陈丽娟,女,副教授(联系方式:[email protected])。
2004年5月至今就职于福州大学数学系。2017年3月毕业于同济大学数学系, 获理学博士学位。
19.Tingting Liu,Lijuan Chen*, Fengde Chen, Zhong Li,Dynamics of a Leslie-Gower model with weak Allee effect on prey and fear effect on predator, 2023, 33(1):2350008.
18. Tingting Liu,Lijuan Chen*, Fengde Chen, Zhong Li, Stability analysis of a Leslie-Gower model with strong Allee effect on prey and fear effect on predator, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2022, 32(6): 2250086.
17. Lijuan Chen*, Tingting Liu, Fengde Chen, Stability and bifurcation in a two-patch model with additive Allee effect, AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(1): 536–551.
16. Yangyang Lv; Lijuan Chen*; Fengde Chen; Zhong Li, Stability and bifurcation in an SI epidemic model with additive Allee effect and time delay, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2021, 31(4): 2150060.
15.Lijuan Chen, Jitao Sun, Distributed optimal control and L2 gain performance for the multi-agent system with impulsive effects, Systems & Control Letters, 113 (2018),65-70.
14. Lijuan Chen, Jitao Sun, Distributed optimal analysis for the multi-agent system with hybrid protocols, Journal of the FranklinInstitute, 354(2017) 1160–1168.
13. Lijuan Chen, Jitao Sun, Fengde Chen, Liang Zhao, Extinction in aLotka-Volterra competitive system with impulse and the effect of toxicsubstances, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(3)(2016) 2015-2024.
12.Lijuan Chen, Khalid Hattaf, Jitao Sun, Optimal control of a delayedSLBS computer virus model, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and ItsApplications, 42(2015) 244–250.
11. Lijuan Chen, Fengde Chen, Extinction in a discrete Lotka-Volterracompetitive system with the effect of toxic substances and feedbackcontrols, International Journal of Biomathematics, 8(1)(2015)1550012.
10. Lijuan Chen, Jitao Sun, Optimal vaccination and treatment of anepidemic network model, Physics Letters A , 378 (2014) 3028-3036.
9. Lijuan Chen, Jitao Sun, Global stability and optimal control of an SIRS epidemic model on heterogeneous networks, Physica A , 410(2014) 196-204.
8. Lijuan Chen, Jitao Sun, Global stability of an SI epidemic modelwith feedback controls, Applied Mathematics Letters, 28(2014)53-55.
7. Lijuan Chen, Fengde Chen, Positive periodic solution of thediscrete Lasota-Wazewska model with impulse, Journal ofDifference Equations and Applications, 20(3)(2014) 406-412.
6. Lijuan Chen , Fengde Chen, Dynamic behaviors of the periodic predator-prey system with distributed time delays and impulsive effect, Nonlinear Analysis : Real World Applications, 12(4)( 2011) 2467-2473.
5. Lijuan Chen, Liujuan Chen , Positive periodic solution of a nonlinear integro-differential prey-competition impulsive model with infinite delays, Nonlinear Analysis : Real World Applications, 11(4)(2010) 2273-2279.
4.Lijuan Chen, Permanence for a delayed predator-prey model of prey dispersal in two-patch environments, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 34(1-2)(2010) 207-232.
3. Lijuan Chen , Liujuan Chen , Zhong Li, Permanence of a delayed discrete mutualism model with feedback controls, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 50(7-8)(2009), 1083-1089.
2. Lijuan Chen, Junyan Xu, Zhong Li, Permanence and global attractivity of a delayed discrete predator-prey system with general Holling type functional response and feedback controls, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Vol. 2008, Article ID 629620, 17 pages, 2008. doi:10.1155/2008/629620.
1. Lijuan Chen, Jibin Li, Chaotic Behavior and Subharmonic Bifurcations for a Rotating Pendulum Equation, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.14, No. 10(2004), 3477-3488.