2017-至今, 加拿大28预测-精准数据分析-权威选号平台
2013-2017, 南京大学数学系,数学专业,博士
1.XiongPing Dai, Hailan Liang, Zhengyu Yin, Veech's Theorem of G acting freely on GRUC, 2023.
2.Hailan Liang, Shu-Qi Huang, Universal lifting properties of abelian semigroup actions, 2023.
3. XiongPing Dai, Hailan Liang, Zubiao Xiao, Characterizations of relativized distal points of topological dynamical systems, Topology and its Applications, 2021.10.1, 302, 23 pp.
4.Hailan Liang, Shu-Qi Huang, Duality of topological modules over normed rings, Topology and its Applications, 2018.7.1, 243: 124-134.
5.Shu-Qi Huang, Hailan Liang, Multiple recurrence theorems for set-valued maps, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2017.11.1, 455(1): 452-462.
6.XiongPing Dai, Hailan Liang, On Galvin's theorem for compact Hausdorff right-topological semigroups with dense topological centers, Sci. China Math., 2017.8.3, 60(12): 2421-2428.
7. Xiongping Dai,Hailan Liang,Xinjia Tang, Szemerédi-type theorems for subsets of locally compact abelian groups of positive upper Banach density, Acta Arithmetica, 2017.8.1, 180(2): 101-109.
8. Hailan Liang, Shu-Qi Huang, Existence of reflections and its applications, Topology and its Applications, 2017.3.1, 218: 30-41.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,12101129,拓扑动力系统中几类回复性的研究,2022/01-2024/12,主持
2. 福建省自然科学基金项目,2019J05033,半流的乘积回复性及其组合特性,2019/06-2022/05,主持