2024/11--至今, 加拿大28预测-精准数据分析-权威选号平台
2022/08--2024/10, 合肥国家实验室,博士后
2019/09--2022/06, 福州大学离散中心,获博士学位
2016/09--2019/06, 福州大学离散中心,获硕士学位
2012/09--2016/06, 福州大学数学与计算机科学学院,获学士学位
1. B.Chen, New results on a problem of Alon, Discrete Math. 348 (2025) 114337
2. B.Chen, S. Gerke, G. Gutin, H. Lei, H. Parker-Cox and Y. Zhou, On k-anti-tracebility of oriented graphs, Discrete Math. 348 (2025) 114331
3. B. Chen and A.Chang, Disjoint cycles in tournaments and bipartite tournaments, J. Graph Theory. 105(2) (2024) 297-314
4. B.Chen, Forbidden subdigraphs conditions on the Traceability Conjecture, Discrete Math. 347 (2024) 113736
5. B.Chen and A.Chang, Oriented diameter of graphs with given girth and maximum degree, Discrete Math. 346 (2023) 113287
6. B.Chen and A.Chang, A note on Seymour’s second neighborhood conjecture, Discrete Appl. Math. 337 (2023) 272-277
7. Z.Chen, B.Chen, Z.Tang and Z.Diao, A sharp upper bound for the transversal number of k-uniform connected hypergraphs with given size, J. Comb. Optim. (2023) 45:37
8. B.Chen and A.Chang, Turán number of 3-free strong digraphs with out-degree restriction, Discrete Appl. Math. 314 (2022) 252-264
9. B.Chen and A.Chang, 3-free strong digraphs with the maximum size, Graphs Combin. 37 (2021) 2535-2554
10. B.Chen and A.Chang, Diameter three orientability of bipartite graphs, Electron. J. Comb. 28(2) (2021) #P2.25