报告题目:Computation for risk-sensitive zero-sum average stochastic games
报告时间:2024年7月25日 10:00-12:30
报告摘要:This talk concerns with the computation of zero-sum stochastic games with the risk-sensitive average criterion. First, we establish the existence of the value and a saddle point under a mild condition, which is weaker than the existing ones. Next, differing the existing works on the risk-sensitive average stochastic games,which only focus on the existence of the value and a saddle point, we additionally propose two algorithms to computing (at least approximating) the value and saddle points, respectively. Finally, we give an example to illustrate our conclusions.
报告人简介:郭先平,男,博士,博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者, 1996年于中南大学获博士学位,2002于中山大学晋升为教授,2003年入选教育部优秀青年教师资助计划,2004年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2010年被评为珠江学者特聘教授, 2018年被选为全国概率统计学会副理事长。 担(曾)任国际(SCI)杂志 Advances in Applied Probability,Journal of Applied Probability,Science China Mathematics,Journal of Dynamics and Games,及国内期刊《中国科学:数学》、《应用数学学报》、《应用概率统计》等杂志编委。研究兴趣为马氏决策过程、随机博弈等。