报告主题:Directed Steiner type packing problems and related topics
报告摘要:The famous Steiner tree packing problem in undirected graphs is not only an important theoretical problem, but also has a strong background in applications. It attracts much attention of researchers in the areas of graph theory, combinatorial optimization and theoretical computer science, and has become an well-established area. It is natural to extend this problem to digraphs, and such problems in digraphs are called directed Steiner type packing problems, including directed Steiner tree packing problem and strong subgraph packing problem. In this talk, we introduce known results on directed Steiner type packing problems and related topics.
副教授、博士生导师、特聘研究员,宁波市甬江引才工程入选者。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目等项目。在Springer出版学术专著1部,在J. Graph Theory、European J. Combin.、Discrete Math.等期刊上发表学术论文多篇。当前主要从事有向图理论的研究。