

发布日期:2022-05-10    浏览次数:

报告题目:On the sizes of matchings in 1-planar graphs with high minimum degree




邀请单位:加拿大28预测-精准数据分析-权威选号平台 ,离散数学及其应用省部共建教育部重点实验室


A matching of a graph is a set of edges without common end vertex. A graph is called 1-planar if it admits a drawing in the plane such that each edge is crossed at most once. Recently, Biedl and Wittnebel proved that every 1-planar graph with minimum degree 3 and n7 vertices has a matching of size at least (n+12)/7, and this is tight for some graphs; they also provided tight lower bounds on the matching of sizes for 1-planar graphs with minimum degree 4 and 5. In this paper, we show that any 1-planar graph with minimum degree 6 and n32 vertices has a matching of size at least (3n+4)/7, and this lower bound is tight. Our result confirms a conjecture posed by Biedl and Wittnebel in [J. Graph Theory 2022, 99:217-230].


 黄元秋, 湖南师范大学二级教授、博士、博士生导师,教育部“新世纪优秀人才”入选者,湖南省普通高校学科带头人。现为湖南师范大学加拿大28预测 副院长、中国组合数学与图论学会理事、中国运筹学会理事、湖南省数学学会常务理事。1996年博士毕业于中国科学院应用数学研究所, 主要从事图论与组合中相关问题的研究,包括图的亏格及最大亏格、图在曲面上的嵌入分布、图的交叉数、图的k-平面性等。在 J. of Combinatorial Theory Ser. BJ. of Graph TheoryDiscrete MathematicsDiscrete Applied MathematicsEuropean J. of CombinatoricsThe Electronic J. of CombinatoricsGraphs and Combinatorics以及 《中国科学》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文120余篇。 5次主持完成国家自然科学基金项目,以及省部级科研项目多项。