

发布日期:2021-09-28    浏览次数:

报告题目:Recent Progress of Graph Gallai-Ramsey Theory




报告时间: 20219309:30-12:00


报告地点:腾讯会议 126 737 645



Ramsey type problem has been a hot topic in mathematics for decades now due to their intrinsic beauty, wide applicability, and overwhelming difficulty despite somewhat misleadingly simple statements. A coloring of a graph is called rainbow if no two edges have the same color. Colorings of complete graphs that contain no rainbow triangle have very interesting and somewhat surprising structure. Gallai first examined this structure under the guise of transitive orientations. In this talk, we will introduce the concepts of Ramsey and Gallai-Ramsey numbers. Some recent results will be also given.



毛亚平,2014年博士毕业于南开大学组合数学中心,2020年获得日本学术振兴会(JSPS)博士后项目资助,现任青海师范大学教授、博士生导师,南京信息工程大学兼职博士生导师。现任中国数学会理事,青海省数学会理事长,青海省青年工作者协会副会长,青海省一流学科(数学)项目负责人,曾获青海省优秀专家,青海省科技创新领军人才,青海省“昆仑英才·教学名师”。担任《Journal of Interconnection Networks》等四个学术期刊编委,Springer出版学术专著1部,发表SCI论文70余篇,主持和主持完成国家和省部级项目10余项。